Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Something Blue? Maybe Shoes!

We've all heard the old saying
"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed...Something Blue"

Whether you are a traditionalist or not, this catchy little phrase is used at least once at every wedding.  Since I was a little girl, I have been dreaming of what I would use to fulfill the four "Somethings."  Let's see my old- I want to pin my grandfather's purple heart he earned in WWII to my dress, my new- there are a lot of things that will be new, but maybe a pair of designer earrings?  my borrowed- maybe my grandmother's handkerchief and my blue- Oh, my something blue- I know exactly what my something blue will be...but I think I will not divulge just yet!!
Regardless of whether you have been daydreaming for years or are so overwhelmed with the tasks of planning the big day, here are some ideas on how to take that old adage and put a new, more modern spin on your Something Blue!

Today, We'll start with shoes... not just any shoes, though!  Shoes so special, they could only be fit for a bride!

Blue Shoes!!
Make your debut down the isle in something so special it can only come in the form of Manolo Blahnik!! *Deep Sigh** How can we all ever forget the way we felt when Carrie Bradshaw unwrapped those TO DIE FOR blue Manolo's in her imaculate closet built for her by no other than Mr. Big.  For me, "Something Blue" reached a whole new level.  But, let's say we are on a somewhat more price conscientious budget... there are tons of blue shoes out there that need some praise as well!
Featured below is a selection I find to be nothing short of fabulous!  And P.S. ladies...the blue peacock feather shoes can be found at Frills n' Fancies in STATESBORO!!!

These are the breath-taking Manolo Blahnik's that helped fuel the fire for Blue Shoes under your wedding dress! They are just to-die-for! Cobalt blue satin with a crystal broach detail... absolutely DELICIOUS! 
Price:  $945.00 Nieman Marcus

I LOVE that peacock feather don't you?!?! I can see this paired with the sassiest little reception dress! Scott at Frills n' Fanices introduced me to these show stoppers right before the Statesboro Bride Wedding Walk and I have been smitten ever sense!  Ladies, get to Frills n' Fancies ASAP and snag these shoes!! They are made by Jonathan Kayne and are too good to be true at only $130.00!!!

These China Dolls are too cute!! And that's exactly why they are named the Nina Electra China Blue. 
I found these cuties on and while they are regularly priced at $89.95, they are on sale for $65!!
Stealing in this sense is totally legal!

And of course for brides who are geared toward comfort these beauties come in royal blue and are made by ME TOO! They are too cute! And even better, you can find them on for the sale price of $62.00!!

I'll have more Something Blue ideas coming soon! In the meantime, just remember to make your "Something Blue" something that's all about YOU!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Starting Your To-Do's Before Your I Do's!

Okay Ladies, I was browsing around on some of the most popular wedding websites and found this little list of helpful tips for planning your big day! Every couple will tell you that the key to having a less stressful wedding is to plan, plan, plan! Of course, all the planning in the world doesn't mean that there won't be any minor mishaps, but starting your wedding planning early will certainly help to eliminate some of the issues!

Lose the Laziness

One mistake that many couples make is basking in the glow of their engagement until 4-6 months before their wedding date. Then they try to cram all of the planning into a too-short period of time. Of course you should just sit back and be thrilled about your engagement for a while, but then you've gotta get cracking!

Buy a Calendar or Datebook

Once you determine your wedding date, set specific dates by which you want to get things accomplished. For example, you got engaged in June, and your wedding date is April 24. On August 31, mark in that you want to have the ceremony location and reception hall reserved. Try to get as much done as possible in the first few months so that the last few months won't be hectic.

Set Aside Time

Choose a day of the week when you'll focus on the wedding details, or several days if you're pressed for time. Sit down together and plan. This eliminates confusion -- i.e., the groom thinking he's supposed to call and check on hall rentals when the bride already has it narrowed down to what will suit their needs.

Share Duties

This is the best way to get things done. You both should be involved every step of the way. Make a list of details to be taken care of, then divide the list in half. Each of you choose what you want to do. This will make grooms want to be involved, instead of making them feel like they have to help. Sure, your sweetie probably isn't concerned with exactly which flowers you carry. And maybe you're not picky about what tuxedos he and the guys wear (or maybe you are!). But involving your husband-to-be will make him feel that it's his wedding, too -- something he helped plan, not just something he has to show up at. Which brings us to...

Talk, Talk, Talk

We can't stress this enough. Be sure that if you're sharing duties that you're also sharing the details. It's okay to take care of certain things by yourself, just make sure you're telling each other about it so the caterer isn't contracted with twice!

Be Flexible

Okay. So you really didn't want the groom/ushers in those tails and top hats. And maybe he doesn't want the cake to be lemon with pecan icing (!). Each of you is going to want things that the other doesn't care for, but flexibility is a must. Be willing to bend. If you really object to something, let your objection be duly heard and noted. Just give the other person a chance to explain why he/she really wants to arrive at the reception in a hot tub in the back of the limo.

Details, Contracts, and Negotiations

When dealing with wedding professionals (caterers, florists, etc.), be sure to clarify all the details and your expectations during the initial discussions. Make sure you get a contract specifically stating dates, times, and locations. Be sure to include what you feel is appropriate dress, and what you feel isn't. Spell out everything. Try to negotiate the best deal for goods and services, but don't sell yourself short on important things just to get a better price.
Most importantly, be sure to read the fine print on every contract before you sign it, and make sure you're aware of cancellation policies and fees. Also ask if there's a grace period to cancel just in case you change your mind or something happens and you need to postpone the wedding (you never know).

Stay Organized

This one's pretty obvious! The more organized you are, the less chance there is that something will go wrong. Buy a notebook, and keep all your wedding information in it. Receipts, contracts, ideas -- everything. You might also want to get notebooks for your maid of honor/bridesmaids and the best man. Put info such as dates, times, locations, and duties. This will keep everyone organized as well, and minimize the chance of someone missing a fitting date or rehearsal time.
I found these helpful hints on!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

So...Valentine's Day is here again! Isn't it great! I have to admit, even when I was a single gal I enjoyed this holiday! I know, I know..."it's a holiday made up by Hallmark as a ploy to have a boost in sales"....and "are you kidding, Happy Single's Awareness Day is more like it"... I got it, I've heard all the responses out there.  But while a lot of you may think Valentine's Day is just for lovers, think again. Valentine's Day actually has a true meaning! Check out the article below!  I think it's a truly great story!

Beyond the roses, chocolates and historical ties to a pagan fertility festival, you'll find the real meaning of Valentine's Day. It's the true love that compelled a young Christian to give up his life rather than stop sharing his faith.

Valentine's Day

When we think of Valentine's Day, we often think of red roses, candy in heart- shaped boxes, mushy valentines, and winged cherubs flying about shooting starry-eyed lovers with arrows.
But did you know that the origin of Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day, comes from the life and death of a Christian martyr? According to author Martha Zimmerman, the date traditionally celebrated as St. Valentine's Day finds it origin in the Roman festival of romance called Lupercalia, when the gods Juno and Pan were honored. It was a fertility festival or a lover's holiday looking forward to the return of Spring. In the fifth century, in an attempt to abolish the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia and its February 15 date to February 14 and called it Saint Valentine's Day. Even though the names and the date were changed, the emphasis continued to be on love.
Who was the real Valentine, and why did he have a day named after him?
Some authorities credit Geoffrey Chaucer with originating the custom of linking Valentine's Day with lovers. No link between the day and lovers exists before the time of Chaucer, thus leading some to conclude that it was this famous English author who connected the day with lovers. The fullest and earliest description of the tradition occurs in Chaucer's "Parliament of Fouls" composed around 1380. Since that time it has been traditional to connect St. Valentine's Day with love.
But who was the real Saint Valentine? St. Valentine was a Roman Christian who, according to tradition, was martyred during the persecution of Christians in the third century by Emperor Claudius II. The only thing certain about the day we remember as St. Valentine's Day is that it commemorates a martyrdom. Claudius II declared all Christians illegal citizens. By his definition, they were guilty of treason because Roman citizens were required by law to worship the Emperor by declaring publicly, "Caesar is Lord!" Of course, this no Christian could do.
The real Valentine was a Roman Christian martyred during the third century A.D. by the Emperor Claudius II. Prior to his death, Valentine continued to minister in prison by witnessing to his prison guards. One of the guards was a good man who had adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter. Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family, 46 people, believed in Jesus and were baptized. When the Emperor heard about this he was furious that Valentine was still making converts even in prison, so he sentenced Valentine to death.
Just before being led out to his execution, the young Christian wrote a note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine." The first valentine was really a Christian witness. Growing out of this story we participate in a custom of sending cards to people we love.
Given that the tradition of sending love notes grows out of a letter written by St. Valentine to his jailer's daughter on the eve of Valentine's execution, it's ironic that the card we send has received the emphasis, instead of remembering the content of the original Valentine's card: a message of unconditional devotion to Christ, even upon pain of death.
Over time the word "Saint" has been dropped from St. Valentine's Day, further obscuring the origins of this holiday. Instead of a negative reaction to some of the pagan origins of the day, why not celebrate the true love that compelled young Valentine to give up his life?
Remember that the day we know as St. Valentine's Day actually commemorates the death of an early Christian martyr, Valentine, who was put to death for refusing to renounce his faith in Christ.
Instead of chubby cherubs, sappy cards, too much candy, and soon-wilted flowers, why not point your family toward the true significance of St. Valentine's Day this year?
By all means, celebrate the day, but re-inject it with Christian meaning by resolving to live for Jesus without fear or shame, following the godly example of Valentine's unconditional love for Christ.
How can you celebrate St. Valentine's Day in a way that honors the original Valentine, who was martyred for his devotion to God?
First, give your life to Christ.
Second, declare the truth about God's love even if it costs you something.
Third, become a servant to those you love, rather than demanding that your needs be met. According to pastor Alex Stevenson, we all want to hear the phrase, "Be my Valentine." It simply means "you are loved."
This Valentine's Day, remember that you are loved. God loves you and wants you to be His valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the world's love. The world's love is only as sturdy as a paper Valentine's card. But God's love is not a flimsy, cheap imitation: it is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that was and is willing to suffer and die for our deliverance.
Will you be God's valentine? It is your choice. Say yes and give to God the love He desires. And when you do, remember the first Valentine and how he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Check out this editorial in the Statesboro Herald!!

Inside Bulloch Business with Jan Moore - 'Wedding Walk' another good economic sign

  Sometimes, it's all about having fun, and from what I can tell, this year's Statesboro Bride Wedding Walk was a ton of fun for those that attended and those who staged the event, as well.
      This past Friday, the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority Held its second annual wedding walk, and it was a huge success according to the event's coordinator Shannon B. Edwards.
      "Over 30 vendors participated, and our estimate is that more than 250 attended the event," Edwards said. "It began at the Quality Inn with vendor displays in the ballroom, and then moved to the Averitt Arts Center for cocktail hour and a bridal fashion show. The theater was full, and everyone was enjoying themselves."
      I was very glad to hear that the participation for this year's event increased so much.
      I am a believer in discretionary income spending as a bell weather for the economy (remember the Promdicator). According to Edwards, these brides came ready to make plans.
      "Specifically, brides wanted to see what was available to them in Statesboro," she said. "We heard over and over again that they wanted to able to spend and plan locally, and frankly, many were very surprised at all Statesboro does have to offer. The vendors did a great job."
      Edwards and her committee did not rely solely on social networking to get the message out to their prospective audience.  They employed what some marketing experts have coined as "gorilla marketing" tactics. They engaged brides-to-be and marital hopefuls on their home turf.
      "A few days before the event, nine girls, including myself, dressed up in bridal gowns and got on the Blue Goose bus," she said. "The bus took us to restaurants all around town and the university, and we handed out flyers to the wedding walk. The response was very, very positive, and we saw a lot of university students there on Friday night. Many of them are engaged, or thinking about getting married, and this was just perfect for them."
      You see, hopes springs eternal. In the face of daunting statistics regarding the stability of marriage in this country, many young women still want to get married, and are ready to enjoy all of the planning that goes with that.
      Hats off to the DSDA for continuing to reach out to our community with fun, enjoyable events such as this one that benefit our local economy.
So, until next Tuesday, I bid you au revoir.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Always A Bridesmaid...

 So...Hello world! This is me!! Shannon Edwards:  Statesboro Bride!  Well, not exactly a bride, yet... I'll get around to that one of these days!  The boy... that's him...Travis.  He's the one I'm still trying to reel in...or is it the other way around?  Let's go with he's trying to reel me in.  It sounds better!

So why am I writing this blog?  Well, I have been in 17 weddings...yes, you read right...17.  You know that saying "Always a bridesmaid...Never a bride?"  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was written about me! Don't get me wrong...I loved every minute of all the weddings I have been a part of! From the planning and parties to walking down the isle and tossing the bouquet.  All of my girlfriends AND guyfriend's weddings have been a blessing!!  Something magical happens at can see it, and feel it.  It's a time when you can actually get a true glimpse of what love looks like. It's almost like you can reach your hand out and touch it!

So while I am waiting for my very own prince charming to finally pop the question, I decided to give a little input on how to make your big day...bigger than you can imagine, show some of the latest trends in bridal decadence, give you a few tips and tricks to keeping that bank account happy, and much much more!

Thanks for following!!

