Meet Me

 So...Hello world! This is me!! Shannon Edwards:  Statesboro Bride!  Well, not exactly a bride, yet... I'll get around to that one of these days!  The boy... that's him...Travis.  He's the one I'm still trying to reel in...or is it the other way around?  Let's go with he's trying to reel me in.  It sounds better!

So why am I writing this blog?  Well, I have been in 17 weddings...yes, you read right...17.  You know that saying "Always a bridesmaid...Never a bride?"  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was written about me! Don't get me wrong...I loved every minute of all the weddings I have been a part of! From the planning and parties to walking down the isle and tossing the bouquet.  All of my girlfriends AND guyfriend's weddings have been a blessing!!  Something magical happens at can see it, and feel it.  It's a time when you can actually get a true glimpse of what love looks like. It's almost like you can reach your hand out and touch it!

So while I am waiting for my very own prince charming to finally pop the question, I decided to give a little input on how to make your big day...bigger than you can imagine, show some of the latest trends in bridal decadence, give you a few tips and tricks to keeping that bank account happy, and much much more!

Thanks for following!!

